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GitHub - GitHub app download for android
Date:May 08, 2024
Package Name:com.github.android

MOD Info

GitHub is a web-based code hosting platform that provides code version control and collaborative development functions. Developers can create repositories on GitHub to store code and use Git for version management to track and manage the change history of the code. GitHub also provides powerful collaboration tools that allow multiple people to jointly develop projects and conduct code reviews, issue tracking, and discussions. Not only is it a widely used open source community, it is also an ideal platform for enterprise teams to share code and documentation. Through GitHub, developers can easily collaborate with others, learn from, and contribute to open source projects to promote the advancement of software development.

Software Highlights

You can do a lot of things on GitHub that don't require a complex development environment, such as sharing feedback on a design discussion or reviewing a few lines of code. With GitHub for Android, you can advance your work from anywhere. Stay connected with your team, triage issues, and even merge directly from the app. No matter where you work, we can help you perform these tasks easily and provide you with a superior native experience.

Software features

Browse the latest notifications

Read, respond to, and reply to issues and pull requests

Review and merge pull requests

Organize issues related to labels, assignees, projects, etc.

Browse files and code

Explore new and popular warehouses

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